InstaFriday + TraffickFree Feature

My life is a little crazy right now.

At least, my blogging life is.

And sometimes, I forget to stop and appreciate the little things in my week.

That’s why I’m participating in the InstaFriday link up hosted by Life Rearranged.

This week…

I went to yoga in Millennium Park with my sweet friend Molly.

I did a little grocery shopping and bought some of my favorite fruits, including watermelon, which obviously isn’t shown!

I went to an estate sale with the hubby and bought a new old necklace for $1.

We had wine and coffee…not at the same time.

I got dressed a couple of times.

We had some amazing dinners, thanks to yours truly.

And I announced a really cool opportunity…that’s me on Chicago Shopping!

But that’s not all! I also wanted to take a teensy bit of your time to talk about TraffickFree.

TraffickFree is a local organization that helps fight human trafficking in Chicago. According to their website, approximately 27 million people are enslaved throughout the world. That means more slaves exist now than ever before. Chicago is a city that is hit hard by this crime. But, you can help. TraffickFree notes that for $40 per family, we could pay the debt of every bonded laborer, which if not paid, can be passed down from generation to generation.*

TraffickFree is holding a 5k on August 25. If you register to run by tomorrow, August 11, you can run or walk a few short miles to help fight human trafficking for just $30. If you register after August 11, your cost goes up to $40, but remember, every $40 counts.

I’m running. I would love for you to join me. Register at You can also RSVP to let me know you plan on running or walking with me. Together, we can make a difference!

For more information about human trafficking and TraffickFree, visit their website or facebook page.


This entry was published on August 10, 2012 at 7:00 am. It’s filed under Smart and Savvy...Chicago, Smart and Savvy...Faith, Smart and Savvy...Fitness and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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