Fitness Friday

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: confidence is the most important thing you can wear! It is far more important than any dress that hugs your curves or any shoes that fit like your very own glass slippers.

For today’s fitness Friday post, I’ve asked my cousin Stephanie Fletcher to share her story. Stephanie is not a fitness professional. She is a typical young woman with struggles and successes. She is a strong person who is committed to building herself up through fitness. This is her story:

I have many battles in my life…

Losing weight is my battle.  It has been physically and emotionally draining for what seems like my entire life.  I set a goal to finish the Couch to 5k program, and run my first 5k in October 2011.  I managed to finish the 5k, but did not finish the Couch to 5k program.  I couldn’t run correctly, which caused painful shin splints.  Did I try to fix the problem?  Sure I did.  I gave up.  I stopped running.  I stopped everything.  No more eating better or exercising.  I asked myself, “I can be ok with being fat for the rest of my life, right?”  I was actually trying to talk myself into thinking it is ok to give up and be unhealthy for the rest of my life.  Of course my battle began before 2011.  I have tried the Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, and L.A. Weight Loss.  With each of those diets, I never gave it more than a month.  I always had an excuse as to why I “couldn’t” complete the program.  I am sure you can guess that it was never my fault for not completing it, huh?  I would at least tell myself it was not my fault.

Believing in me is my battle.  In December, I sent a “self-pity” sob story to Josh, a coach at River Region CrossFit (RRCF), about my weight loss battles.  I expected a reply via email, but was surprised when Josh called me.  He assured me that RRCF is a program that works.  He was right.  The workouts are tough, but for me – believing in myself and maintaining confidence is much harder.   Little by little, my coaches at RRCF are helping me build confidence.  I am constantly pushing my limits.  Do you know what happens when you go beyond your expectations?  You build confidence and start believing in yourself.  One of my coaches, Wes, is always telling me, “confidence, Stephanie, confidence!”  I did my first box jump this week.  I was hesitant at first, but Josh believed in me.  He believed I could do it.  Finally, I tried and I did it.  Oh I felt so good!  I kept thinking:  I did it!  I did it!  I did it!  I actually did it!  Oh and the running does not hurt anymore.  Thanks to Josh, I learned how to run correctly.  It only took about five minutes.  I will be running my next 5k on January 28, at the Gump Games.  I am looking forward to applying what I have learned and attempting to run the entire 5k.

I’m working on my battles at RRCF.  One of the best parts of RRCF is meeting the coaches and new friends.  They both keep you motivated.  I have met an awesome friend at RRCF, Michelle.  She is absolutely amazing.  She cheers me on during the WOD (workout of the day).  It is hard not to stay motivated when you such amazing coaches and friends helping you along the way.  Step by step, I am gaining confidence and believing in myself.  It is still hard.  It is still a battle.  Every single day I am questioning myself, but while at the box (RRCF’s gym) I feel at home.  On my drive home, I feel accomplished.  I have made it through one more day of pushing myself…believing in myself…and having confidence in myself.

My first day at RRCF was December 8, 2011.  I survived the holidays.  As of January 5, 2012, I have lost 10.2 pounds and lost over 5 inches, and gained confidence in myself.  My goal is to lose a total of 75 pounds.  I finally feel confident that I will lose the weight and not lose this battle.

look at her go!

Stephanie’s battle may be similar to yours, or it may not be. Things that didn’t work for her may work for you and vice versa. Regardless, Stephanie’s story is inspiring. I hope it encourages you in your fitness goals. I hope that you too find confidence.

What is your battle?

This entry was published on January 13, 2012 at 1:40 pm. It’s filed under Smart and Savvy...Fitness and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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